AOW WSET國際品酒認證 英國密集專案班- Level 2  (招生中)
AOW WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits
讓忙碌的您撥出珍貴的時間, 短時間內擁有專業品酒知識與國際品酒師認證機會

■課程內容: 全程依據英國WSET原版一致的授課內容,提供下列主題:
1. 葡萄酒的介紹、品酒的技巧、食物與葡萄酒的搭配
2. 葡萄酒風格的影響因素
3. 葡萄品種介紹:Chardonnay and Pinot Noir
4. 葡萄品種介紹:Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot & Sauvignon Blanc
5. 葡萄品種介紹:Syrah/Shiraz, Grenache and Riesling
6. 葡萄酒產區介紹:法國、義大利、西班牙與世界產區
7. 有特色的葡萄酒:氣泡酒與甜酒
8. 烈酒:Fortified Wines, Spirits and Liqueurs

.英國原版講義: 英版


105年3月 5 日. 13:30-17:30
105年3月12日. 13:30-17:30
105年4月 9 日. 13:30-17:30
105年4月16日. 13:30-17:30
■上課地點:AOW Main Office(台北市民權西路53號15樓)


■學費:原價NT$ 26,300★專案價: NTD21,300

2.請寫上「姓名」、「匯款帳戶號碼(全部) 」、「手機」、「上課班別」。
3. 拍照Email至info@wineaow.com。

AOW課程信箱:info@wineaow.com,   aownico@gmail.com

戶名: 珍愛葡萄酒藝術有限公司
銀行: 上海商業儲蓄銀行(011) 分行: 營業部(0026)
帳號: 0210-2000-095696

2.未達上課人數, AOW有權延後或取消課程

AOW課程信箱:info@wineaow.com, aownico@gmail.com

1. Course Charge and Delivery
AOW Co., Ltd reserves the right to change the published prices of its programmes and/or teaching materials if necessary. All courses and examinations are subject to minimum numbers. AOW Co., Ltd reserves the right to cancel courses and/ or examinations if there are insufficient numbers of students.

2. Course Application
Candidates are responsible to select the suitable course(s) for themselves. An application form without the full payment will be invalid and no course/exam booking will be made unless the full payment has been received prior to any deadline set. Once an application form with signed declaration and full payment for the WSET course has been received, a place in the examination to that application will automatically be booked and confirmed.

3. Course Transfer or Cancellation
Transfers of a confirmed booking either to another course or applicant can be accepted up to 20 working days prior to the start of the course on payment of additional administration fee and the cost of any study materials which may be applicable. A proper written request from a candidate and written confirmation from AOW Co., Ltd is needed. Transfers cannot be carried forward to the next academic year.
 Cancellation of a confirmed booking can be accepted up to 20 working days prior to the start of the course on payment of additional administration fee and the full cost of the study and teaching materials supplied will be deducted and the remainder of the course fee refunded to the payee. A proper written request from a candidate and written confirmation from AOW Co., Ltd is needed.
 If a confirmed course booking is cancelled during the 20 working days prior to the start of the course, or at any time after the start of the course, no refund or transfer of the course will be made.


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